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ABOUT 關於華星


華星娛樂初期以經紀歌手藝人為主。自2013年7月起開始轉型增加職人經紀包括導演、編劇、作家和漫畫家等,致力於出版品 IP 影視授權及職人個人品牌經營等相關經紀。目前更積極進行著手策畫投資影視項目前期製作等作品孵化,未來進而協助影片宣發和國際版權之銷售。

華星娛樂目前已成功授權許多書籍改編之影視授權,亦陸續獲得國內外許多獎項與肯定,希望能持續透過和各方人才的資源整合及合作,幫助台灣原創 IP 的建立與推廣,期許能有更全方位的發展。

Million Star was established in August 2011, which is the company mainly managing the talents and producing TV programs and films. Million Star had produced TV programs “Chinese Million Star Season 1 and 2”, one of the most popular Singing Competition in Asia at the beginning.

Now Million Star is mainly an agent company for writers, screenwriters, directors and designers. we have many years to authorize the adaptation of novel IPs of our writers into movies or series. In recent years, Million Star has also cooperated with some production companies or directors to invest in the development of films or series.

We hope to help professionals build their own brand, and hope to have a more comprehensive development through cooperation with all partners.


作 家鄭丰、陳郁如、Div、星子、吳子雲(藤井樹)、張友漁、宴平樂、路邊攤、寵物先生、不帶劍、宋亞樹、一線三、蘇愚、月影紗、風城喵喵、刁貓/浮靈子、謝松善(阿善師)、楊昌年(獨抱樓主)、東澤、鬱兔、雷亞儂、貓頭鷹、辛蕾、阿古拉

編 劇藍夢荷、咖啡因、葉志偉、魏國原、黃靖祖、林昀姍、彭懷德、李盈琦、敖采渝、鄧凱翔、歐陽尹一

導 演張喻閔、法國導演 Gerard Pires、Philippe Muyl

演 員胖球、斯拉