急診室的奇蹟The Miracle of ER劇集 SERIES
類 型 :醫療職人
導 演 :李志薔、蔡銀娟
監 製 :李良玉
編 劇 :黃靖祖、東澤、林昀姍、周禮群
原 著 :蘇愚
發展階段 :劇本開發中
The Miracle of ER
Genre :Medical/Craftsman
Director :Isaac LI,TSAI Yin-Chuan
Producer :Jade Lee
Project Status :Production
改編自蘇愚小說作品,全新職人戲劇 ! 新進央大急診室的菜鳥住院醫師,天才型的江東彥、吊車尾的林耿明、力爭上游的唐希,在傳奇名醫周承俊、何宇華帶領下,與死神拔河的同時,更要面對僵化的醫療體制與人性考驗。周承俊發表新藥論文引爆央大的權力鬥爭而面臨革職危機,林耿明身為,喚醒了院內醫師的初心,面對龐大的體制,該如何逆轉局勢,創造急診室奇蹟…
The newest resident physicians in the ER at Central University include talented Dongyan, last-place student Gengming, Hard-working Tangxi. Under the leadership of medical legends Chengjun and Yuhua, they race the clock to save lives; At the same time, they treat patients from all walks of life and grapple with the choices they must make in their profession.
Doctors not only fight the tug-of-war between life and death but also face the constraints of the medical system and the test of human nature, fame, and fortune.
Chengjun decides to publish his paper on a new medication despite tremendous pressure; this has induced a nasty power struggle at Central University Hospital. While Chengjun and Yuhua are facing a crisis of dismissal, Gengming leads the R1s to against the huge medical system, not only with their superior medical skills but with the conviction to save lives that first led them to become doctors.
2022 金馬入圍金馬創投 Series
2022 電視劇本開發補助